Complacency – my new worst enemy
Last month, I performed the wedding of a couple who live in the South of France. In their 10 years together, they have grown together whilst exploring the world, they have tasted the world and they will not stop until they have explored everything! They take their young son on their adventures and choose to travel every year until further notice.
In March, I attended my first WOMAD festival here in New Plymouth. It’s been going for as long as I have lived in New Plymouth, and I’ve never attended. I made the assumption that I wouldn’t enjoy it. I made that assumption because it’s a decision my husband made for himself. I went, and I loved it!
I swear, the older I get, the more adventurous I feel! I’ve never experienced anything like this before: a need to get out and see the world, taste exotic food and go to festivals – basically do anything that doesn’t involve sitting at home, in a bubble worrying about the budget.
It’s ignited an unfortunate turn of events in my life though [insert sad face and pitiful sigh here] – I have decided that I want to take my children on amazing adventures (well beyond the parks and playgrounds at home), make them worldly and give them many tastes of just how big the world is!
When people get married, I thought they settled down together and saw their lives out doing what they mutually agreed was the best for them? I have deviated from the natural agreement that I made with my husband when I chose to settle down with him. I never wanted to travel or leave the comfort of my home. Neither did he. But now for me, this has changed!
I am now at a time in my life where would love for my children to experience how everybody else lives – it would give them an excellent perspective on all of the differences that this world encompasses. Right now, May 2016, they are aged 3.5 years and 23 months. I’m going to try so hard to put it into my 3 year plan to do some epic travelling with them – even if it’s around New Zealand, we can visit the deep south, a rain forest, go to a theme park together and everything else that beautiful Aotearoa has to offer. As they grow, we can save our money and travel the world, doing a yearly adventure together – I’m more than happy to give up a few takeaway coffees and lunches to achieve this goal!
Wish me luck in convincing my husband to come along on the journey. Wish me luck in convincing him that we will be safe and happy wherever we are. I’d love to share in the adventure with him, but if he prefers to stay at home, we’ll just take epic pictures and enjoy our ‘girl time’.
“So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.”
― Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild
I’m feeling excited for the future! With all the Love in the World, Rose x